Friday, May 11, 2012

And now we enter the weekend of obstacles.

Mother's Day.

Yep. I both love and hate this holiday. I LOVE that this will be my first mother's day. I love that this year, I get to be handed a rose when we walk into the restaurant for brunch and be greeted with smiles and well wishes.  I love that my little man is here, healthy and happy and free for me to cuddle all day.

Then comes the hate... I hate that there will be SO much good food. Eggs, meats, fruits, vegetables, and... SWEETS. Oh the sweets... chocolate covered strawberries which are my vice (if they had reeses covered strawberries I would be royally screwed).

I'm saving as many of my weekly points as I can. I'm going to be sure we go for a walk tomorrow (day three in a row) and try to eat well up until then.  On the one hand, I don't want to restrict myself, especially with it being my FIRST mother's day and I do not want to be worrying about points. But on the other hand, I know that I can't go completely crazy, if anything because I will hate myself in the morning.

Wish me luck

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day one--- a new beginning

Well, I am officially on the real start of my return to WW. I weighed in last night at 169.2. I was at goal at 134 when I made lifetime last august. 35 lbs to lose.

I'm really hoping I can jump start and lose a decent amount by the time summer vacation starts (I'm on maternity leave now, but I mean when school would actually be out). If I can be down to like 155 by then, I'd be pretty happy. Although that's only about 5 weeks.

It feels weird needing 41 points every day. (Breastfeeding).

The major downside right now is working out. I can't really do much since I don't have anyone to watch the little man. We can go on walks, but I severely blistered my heels the other day on a 2 mile walk and need a slight hiatus. Plus, it's been raining daily here. Rawr.

Oh well, today went well but I managed to have a snack attack at night and used 2 weekly points. I must save them for brunch for my first mother's day!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Let the battle begin!

Well, I am officially just over one month postpartum. I won't have the official "OK" from the doctor to start dieting until the week of the 14th, but I decided I can at least start trying to follow points again.

I miss my WW and points. They've been my go to diet friend since 8th grade... Over 12 years ago.  Wow. But you know what, it really is more of a lifestyle than a diet. It's funny how, I can look at a plate of pasta and say "oh that would be X points".  It's just ingrained in me.  And while, I did enjoy not having to count every point and indulge a bit while pregnant, I am (at least in part) looking forward to the certainty that tracking brings me.

A bit of background:

I'm 26 and a first time mama.  I have (as I mentioned above) been a loyal weight watcher since 8th grade, having went from 192lb to 126lb by the middle of high school.  I actually think that was too low of a weight for me, as it was so hard to maintain.  College came and I gained the freshman 15 freshman 30.  It took me until my senior year of high school, but I dropped back down. After graduating, I gained about 15 again, but with our wedding later that year, I worked my butt off (literally!) and was 128lbs on my wedding day.

Fast forward to after the honeymoon and I was up to about 140. I again, worked like crazy, this time, knowing that we were going to start TTC that fall/summer and wanting to make lifetime before conceiving.  Sure enough, I hit my original goal of 131lb right when I got the "pregnant" result. I ended up editing my goal weight to 134 so that I could make it while pregnant through the maintenance phase and made lifetime at about 6 weeks pregnant.  My understanding from our center's leaders is that since I had made lifetime, I will have 3 months to lose the baby weight without having to pay weekly fees (I read that I can have this extended if need be with a doctor's note).  Hopefully I won't need that long, but lucky for me I gained a whopping 50 pounds during pregnancy.  I'm down about 20 already (from doctor weight, I still count myself from my "just undies first thing in the morning" weigh in.

My stats:

SW: 168.4 (5/4/12)
CW: 168.4
LW: 128
GW: 132

Technically, my goal is anything between 130-135 but I figure 132 is a safe middle ground.

WW friends, follow and comment and I'll be sure to do the same!